元税務調査官の税理士 小暮巌 Licensed tax accountant Iwao Kogure

I would like to intorduce one of my best friends ,Mr Iwao Kogure who was a Former Tax investigator of National Tax Agency. Mr. Iwao Kogure is correct and meticulous work and prompt response is wonderful. The people around him trust him thoroughly and with his abundant humor and sense, along with his warm personality, Mr.Kogure is the best. He has a genius !!! for explaining things we don't understand in a way that is easy to understand! (I am often helped by this.) Before I knew it there became a tendency even among the friend around me to say, "If there is anything you don't understand, just ask Professor Kogure !! !" And more than anything, he is a tax accountant who supports managers by thinking from the point of view of managers.
Consultations are accepted at any time on private practice, support for incorporation, etc., and declaration of income tax, consumption tax, and gift tax, so please feel free to contact us.
小暮会計事務所 KOGURE Accounting Firm
Phone 048 876 1396
info☆kogure-tax.com ☆を@に置き換えてください。
For more information
WEB 小暮会計事務所 KOGURE Accounting Firm http://kogure-tax.com/
Blog 元税務調査官の税理士 小暮巌 http://ameblo.jp/kogure-kaikei/
Blog さいたま市 税理士 小暮巌のブログ http://iwayan.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/